2 min readJan 1, 2021


Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

If you put off everything till you’re sure of it, you’ll never get anything done. As Shakespeare said “Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends”.

Have you ever thought an oath of doing a task immediately and failed very soon. what stopped you doing your tasks, is that the procrastination? yes majority of work don’t get done or even on time due to the distortions we get during our tasks.

My Experience and outcome from the Pomodoro tasks

Pomodoro is an important way to get yourself connected while performing things in daily life , in order to avoid distortion doing my Amal tasks I felt there was need of this. I never look at the clock when I am doing work but yeah the procrastination that I have during the work bring gaps in my work. While doing work I luckily managed to do my work more efficiently I was more focused and all went smoothly.

Regular use of Pomodoro in my daily life

Oh yes the super experiment helped me do a lot with much focus and made me understand how can make the use of my time. It helped me to understand the necessities of avoiding the things that put me in my comfort zone, I had put my phone on silent, had to avoid the social media till I completed my tasks. The feeling is just amazing and I was surprised how the time flew and I did manage to do a lot doing my Amal Tasks. I feel the best is that I continue the same and bring much changes in my life i.e. limit the usage of phone and apps that consume my necessary time. To improve the experience I will try to push myself into work and complete my task and come out of comfort zone and not let the monkey gratification and avoid panic master disturb in my task I will give all of my input to become a rational decision maker.

As Mason Cooley said “procrastination makes easy things hard and and hard things harder and in order to avoid procrastination Pomodoro is one the best practice to have the complete use of the time.




I am an amal alumini, working as Assistant Director (Geologist) at Geological Survey of Pakistan